Muammar Qaddafi will be visiting New Jersey next month.  Can you believe it?  Folks I couldn't make this stuff up.  The Facts, In 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 was blown out of the sky, killing 259 people on board and 11 Scottish people on the ground.  The Libyan leader took credit for it and said his man Abdel Baset as-Megrahi did it.  Abdel has always denied it.  Abdel was sentenced to life in a Scottish prison.  But when he developed terminal prostate cancer they released him on August 20th of this year back to Libya where he received a hero's welcome.  Gadhafi's son was there to greet him.  Abdel was a Libyan Intelligence Officer, by the way.  OF the 259 passengers 33 were New Jerseyans.  Some of them college students returning from a semester abroad, 

Qaddafi will be addressing the U.N. next month and initially asked to set up his Bedouin "tentopolis" in Central Park but was refused by New York.  They too lost people on the Pan AM 103 flight, 58 of em.  Now, as a second choice Qaddafi wants to set up his "tentopolis" in Englewood, New Jersey, on the Libyan Mission Estate.  That, my friends, was a sweetheart deal between New Jersey and the Libyan Ambassador, I believe 26 years or so ago.  It was meant as a retreat for himself as well as his family.  He has never paid taxes on it.  That's right!  Tax laden New Jerseyans pay out the nose....but the Ambassador to a terror state gets to stay for free!!  Remember the "THREE C'S OF NEW JERSEY"?  C = Crime, C = Corruption and C = Cynics. 

Well THANK GOODNESS for our ethical, moral and just gosh darn good guy, Governor Corzine!  He came out and actually protested Gadhafi's plans of setting up his tents on the estate's ground.  Way to go Gov!  I believe that's the first nice thing you've done for us poor saps in New Jersey!  Say, ya might wanna send a bill to the Libyan Ambassador's house for back taxes.....if I do my math right, I'm pretty sure that will close up that budget gap very nicely! 

Get your pitch forks people!  When New Jerseyans aren't attacking each other, we're taking down somebody else like a pack of rabid dogs.  Qaddafi couldn't have chosen a worse place to park his camel.  New Jersey and New York house the most notoriously nasty, pushy, in your face, insane people  in this great country.  AND we are known for that exact thing all over the country and Canada.  I know this first hand.  AND New Jersey has the pine barrens.....very useful in times such as these. 

New York lost 58 of it's own and we lost 33 of our own.  I say let him come.  Pull right on up to the Libyan Mission...we'll be waiting... ALL of us and our crazy New York cousins right next to us.  C'mon down my little friend.  We're a waitin' .  Revenge is a dish best served cold. 

To quote General George Patton, Jr.  "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't". 
Any good start to the day always starts with a good strong cup o' Joe.  I mean it.  I can't think about squat until I have my coffee.  Don't wanna talk, don't wanna deal, don't wanna eat, don't want anything but a hot cup of coffee in my hand.  Once it's there....go ahead talk.  As I'm blogging right now, I've got my vice right by my side....a nice hot steamy strong cup of coffee.  AAAHHHHH.......... 

Anyone who knows me, knows I always have a cup of coffee, if not in my hand, on my desk, on the table to my right, on the sink next to the hopper.  Where I am is where my coffee is. 

Now not to confuse anyone but I'm not one of those fancy "so called coffee connoisseur's".  What they are drinking isn't coffee!  It's some whacked out combination of crap that shouldn't be in REAL coffee in the first place.  Cinnamon, hazelnut, chocolate shavings, different varieties of cream, double shot so and so, for goodness sakes some of them draw pictures on the top of the coffee!  What the hell is that?  

Remember, I said I always have coffee, and everybody who knows me, knows it.  So, the love of my life found a unique coffee and bought it for me.  It came in a neat looking little package and I must admit I was intrigued.  My love said it is real coffee, not flavored or anything, real coffee you put in a machine.  Now, I'm thinking....what's the catch.  I open the package and it says "Weasal Vomit Coffee".  Okay, jokes on me....where'd you get the gag!  Oh,'s real coffee.  I look back at the package.  What deranged individual thought this up!  The weasal's eat the coffee beans, apparently they want to do this and then, for reasons only God knows, they vomit the beans right on back up.  Some farmer chases down their little weasal friends and collects the bean o' vomit and then roasts them.  NO WAY!  Then sells them!  IMPOSSIBLE!  And my love buys them.  Now, I'm obligated.  With a tense smirk and vomit beans in hand, I am forced thru decency to brew weasal vomit in my loyal coffee machine.  I'm living a nightmare.  I do it cause I want my love to still love me.  It brews.....I think I smell vomit.  I get a cup, practically vomiting myself as I pour the first cup.  I offer some to my sweety.....refused.  Ah....I'm on my own here.  I take a sip...ponder...take another sip....okay, I think I can deal.  It's not too bad.  I think I can almost say I like it.....then I realize there is this little after taste. couldn't be...they roast it, in high temperatures.  OH man!  It's has a wicked after taste of frickin' vomit!  Nah, I'm done....experiment over.  I give the gift back and walk away.  Done. 

I go on the you know they have cat crap coffee?  That's right!  Cats eat the beans and they poop them out.  And people pay BIG BUCKS for this crap...literally.  What is wrong with people?  Are they bored?  What kind of person thinks this up? 

Hey, let's force fluffy to eat as many coffee beans as possible and watched her crap all afternoon!!  WOW, look at her go!! Yo, man, let's scoop up her poo beans and like roast 'em!!  AWESOME!!  Hey, doesn't farmer brown down the road have a rabid cow we can get milk from?  Let's do it!!  I bet we could make a fortune from this.  

He was right.  They are making a fortune from this. 

Advice:  Don't ever say "never"'s man's crap, is another man's fortune.   Oh man...I hope no one gets the idea of eating the beans themselves and well you know the rest...
Good Morning folks! I want to blog about an interview I recently saw on a network news station with a trainer from Dogtown.  Dogtown is a rescue for abused and abandoned animals.  Great folks!  Can't find a thing wrong with 'em.  If there was ever a place that deserved all the donations that can be thrown at them...this is the place!  Anyhow,  this trainer had a female pitbull with him that was one of the Michael Vick dogs.  She was very cute and was very loving toward the trainer.  It was good to see there was someone this poor traumatized dog could feel safe being with.  When she looked at him, you could see the affection in her eyes.  It looked like he was pretty taken with her as well.  This particular pitbull was force bred.  There were scars all over her body from this inhumane treatment.  She had all her teeth pulled out of her mouth, so she couldn't defend herself.  ISN'T THAT SWEET!  Gee, I ya think he numbed her mouth or anesthetized her before pulling all her teeth out?  Ya know, the guy who hung pitbulls by the neck, wet them and then electrocuted them to death, or just simply drowned them, or threw them into the figting ring knowing they would be torn to shreds within moments by other pitbulls who have been so abused that they did this because they were made to do it.  Only the strong survive.  AND he did this because they didn't perform well or refused to fight. Hey, did ya know he took his own domestic house dog and threw this poor animal in the ring with other fighting pitbulls and he and his buddies watched as the poor dog was torn completely apart.  Yeah, I feel so warm and fuzzy right now...don't you?

Good Old Sorry Michael Vick, he just wants a second chance.  Like he gave to those tortured pitbulls. Oh wait a minute, the dogs didn't get a second chance.  The authorities raided his 15 acre estate in Virginia and he LIED about killing the pitbulls initially.  But overwhelming evidence and a few of his buddies rolling over on him cleared up that confusion.  He all of a sudden REMEMBERED.  Phew...for a second he kinda sounded like he really didn't give a shit.  Thank you Philadelphia Eagles for picking him up and giving him a nice $6  million contract.  Lucky him.  Let's see...Vick spent 18 months in jail, he was sentenced to 23 months but got off early for good behavior.  Isn't that ironic.  Suspended from the NFL, the Falcons dumped him, he lost 130 million between his loss wages and lucrative endorsements.  Only to be picked up by the Philadelphia Eagles a little less than two years later for a $6 million dollar contract.  I ask where is the justice.  Do the dogs get to crawl out of the grave and get a second chance to find a loving family to spend their days?  Do they get to be re-born without being tortured, tormented, abused and killed by a evil man?  Nope, they sure don't.  For me....Micheal Vick is the embodiement of what is wrong.  Knows it wrong, does it anyway, cause he can...lies when caught and then gets a slap on the wrist and given a second chance.  What so he can do it again?  This guy has shown zero integrity, zero character and zero humanity.  To me, he deserves what he is, zero. that I'm thinking about it.  Who else would the Philadelphia Eagles choose.  The town that booed Santa Claus and pelted him with snowballs, the home of the rolling red light, the city that beats the national average on overall crime violent and otherwise.  What a frickin' joke.  

I got an idea!  Lets go old testament on his can.  Let's do an eye for an eye.  Let Michael Vick and his sicko friends choose how they want to go out.  Electrocution?  Hanging?  Drowning?  Or a combination thereof?  How about we'll give some real prisoners a few moments for forced breeding?  I wonder if the taxpayer would have to pay to have his teeth yanked out first?  Will the HMO pay for anesthesia?  I don't think so....awe toooo bad.  

Just food for thought today, no advice.  If you or I were an accountant let's say and we bankrolled and participated, oh hell, we were the Godfather's of dogfighting.  Do you think us joe blows would get a second chance?  Not for a second.  We would have to change our names, get a plastic surgeon and change our profession.  Not to mention the jail time and fines.  We would be screwed.  As my dad use to say...bullshit walks and money talks, folks...

I created this website/blog this morning due to the fact that I have seen and heard quite enough.  Frankly, I feel as if I am living in a combat zone dealing with companies, people and regulations.  I have had one lousy week (among many lately) and it will be spilling into next week.  I have had to fight with an insurance agency, argue with a house painting company, argue with my three teenagers and listen to a friend of mine try to explain to me why it isn't their fault that they left an animal that they were supposed to be watching in their relatives house for four days without checking on it.  I am truly stunned at the incompetence and arrogance that abounds.  Just so you know, I harrassed my friend so badly they immediately got off the phone and went to get the cat.  It's fine.  My friend...well, not so fine.  

Many years ago and I mean many, I had a dear friend who at that point was 15 years my senior.  I looked to this person for advice all the time.  I had a situation arise that I couldn't believe the stupidity of the person who handled it.  I mentioned to my friend that I couldn't believe how they decided to resolve the issue.  My friend told me, with a smirk on his face and a laugh, "don't you realize that most people out there are not smart or nice"?  And that's when it hit me.  It's true.  People will knock you down to get to the last candy bar and get really pissed cause you got in their way.  They will steal from children.  They take advantage of our seniors.  They mistreat animals.  They cheat you out of everything they can and are proud of the fact they did it!  And, the amazing thing is most of them are simply not that smart to begin with.  Astonishing, simply astonishing.  After years of seeing, hearing and fighting over some of these horrendous acts,  I am now a very dedicated cynic.  So now for me, when someone dares to approach the first thing out of my mouth is "What do you want and keep out of my personal space while your asking"!  I've got lots of stories and plan to share them all.  I would also love to hear your stories just so I know I'm not the only one.  Misery does love company, it is true.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are some wonderful things that I have seen people do too.  Just not as often and it is disheartening.  Well, I will leave you with a piece of advice, keep your eyes wide open and always pay attention to the guy behind you.....he's plotting something, you can see it in his eyes.