Well, well, well...sucks doesn't it, being called on the carpet.  What a reversal of what you are used to, huh....  Schools in New Jersey do exactly as they wish and sometimes they forget to tell the little youngsters parents.  This is just another example of pure stupidity and they got called on it.

A Burllington County school taught little elementary school children to the rhythm of a religious hymn about Jesus a song about Obama.  They say they did it for Black History Month back in February and to honor our new president.  This may be true but isn't it funny what little rhythm they decided to use. 

Teachers are liberal because Democrats are big on education and that's great but it is also pulling politics into the classroom, a very big no no.  You can't talk about Jesus or God, we can't say Merry Christmas, we can't talk about the real reason we have Easter, we can't stand up for marriage between a man and a woman, we can't, we can't, we can't....

So, why then are these teachers indoctrinating our children?  I didn't see them stand up and demand a Christmas Tree at CHRISTMAS, I didn't hear them sing "O Holy Night"...why then are they recanting political views of our leader? 

One more incident that is fairly recent...Lenape Regional School District encompasses Cherokee, Shawnee, Seneca and Lenape High School's.  A couple of years ago there was a vote in this dictrict on whether or not they should approve funds for an artificial turf field.  The voters spoke and they declined to give money to the district for the turf.  Well, it wasn't soon after that that a BIG announcement was made...a group of men got together and decided they were going to raise money to get the school district the money to put in artificial turf EVEN THOUGH the voters didn't want it.  They just automatically assumed that it was the money that turned the voters against the idea.  They were wrong.  I spoke to some of those parents and most of them were concerned over their children getting injured on the turf.  And they had every right to be worried.  Ask any professional team...the injuries are far worst.  In fact, many of those professional teams are switching over to natural grass fields.  There is also the problem of being sanitary.  These artificial turfs can habor all kinds of bacteria and viruses.  A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that athletes who sustain a skin burn from artificial turf were “seven times more likely to develop MRSA infection”.   Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 2000 found that “MRSA survives better on artificial turf than on other surfaces”.  There is also the "Heat Island Effect"  turf fields are notorious for rises tempatures.  Turf fields can reach 140 to 160 or so degrees, real grass DOES NOT.

One of the guys that thought raising money to get the turf fields was a great idea, was actually a salesguy for artificial turf, lucky wasn't it?

Guess what, Shawness got the artificial turf field and Cherokee is getting one this fall.

This is the kinda, "let me step on your face if you don't do what I want" attitude that has gotten this state it's reputation. 

Quote of the day:

"There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons, and the word 'council' must be restored to its original meaning. Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man."
- Adolf Hitler
I watched Qaddafi and Obama give their speeches today at the U.N.  Obama was as elegant as always, he most definitely is a gifted speaker.  Qaddafi..........well not so much.  Qaddafi rambled and rambled, got angry and then quiet, shifted papers here and there, lost his place then found it again AND he did this for 96 minutes!  But the BEST part was when he called Obama "his son".  His Kenyan son.....Libya's son.  Qaddafi even said he wants Obama to be president for the rest of his life.  Of Course he does, Obama is slowly tearing apart our country from the inside out.  Obama is apologizing for us being who we are to the entire world, even though we give more money and help than any other country in the world to basically EVERYBODY.  We would be soooo much better off.  In fact, Obama's approval ratings are threw the roof overseas.  But here at home are slowly slipping down.  In Isreal...4%.  Can't imagine why. 

One thing Qaddafi said that I 100% agree with is that the U.N. be moved to the eastern hemisphere.  He thanked the United States for hosting, security, accomodations, etc for the last 50 years.  Well, you got that one Crazy "Q".  Works for me!!  Let's save a few taxpayers greenbacks with that decision!  While your at it could ya ask your ambassador to Please Pay his property taxes in Englewood New Jersey....we kinda financially broke here too. 

Obama, Obama, Obama.....great delivery of speech....but was not based in reality AND your kicking the Israeli's out of their land?  What the hell is wrong with YOU?  That is their land!!  OF ALL the people we should be backing 1000% IT IS ISRAEL!  THe Left must absolutely love you...as well as the dictators, oh yeah the terrorists and let's not forget Russia. 

Back to Qaddafi being Obama's daddy.....well that explains quite a bit, doesn't it?  Something interesting on Fox News they actually had a little sidebar pop up at one point and give CIA imprints of Qaddafi...one being "he has a borderline personality disorder".  What a nice why of saying he's a "freakin' nutter"!  And if ya get a chance and have 96 minutes to kill, I suggest you give it a shot.....freakin nutter! 

Obama really admires Lincoln, well I'm sure Lincoln is rolling in his grave. 

Well our president thought it prudent to cut a deal with Russia, Putin, and stop the long range missle shield for the Czech Republic, Poland and Georgia.  This is very unfortunate for these countries and for us. 

The Czech Republic and Poland have been by our sides continuously through both the Afghanistan and Iraqi Wars.  They are very loyal allies.  President Bush was correct in protecting them from the very unfriendly Putin and Iran.  Remember Putin invaded Georgia not that very long ago.  Putin has plans that are beyond our governments scope right now and Obama and Congress are playing right into his evil plan.

These countries are working, breathing, successful democracies and must be protected at all costs.  Remember the Cold War, well so does Putin. 

Putin also has a little deal going on the side with Iran and it's oil fields.  Chavez is also tied into Iran and North Korea.  Folks, this is anything but good for the democratic world.  These countries want to destroy us.  They DO NOT want to make nice nice and just "all get along".   They want to wipe us off the earth and take over our countries, people and resources.  Putin wants to be King and he will do whatever it takes to lure Iran, North Korea and Venezuela to do his bidding to buddy up with him to take the rest of us down.  But beware Iran, North Korea and Venezuela.....you will ultimately get your due.  Putin will consume you.

We need to let President Obama know that this is completely unacceptable....he must defend Eastern Europe, he absolutely must. 

Prime Minister Putin's response to President Obama shutting down the shield was it must be a difficult decision but he was very happy with his decision.  Yeah, no kidding.....

Obama is dividing us from the inside....He is destroying us on the international front.  If we don't stand up and take back this country, there will be no United States.

Quote of the day:

In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance.
Joseph Stalin

  Mr. Charlie Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Representative of the smallest district in New York, and a downright scoundrel.

Charlie apparently forgot about $1 million dollars of his worth. He has rental properties in New York, New Jersey, Florida and the Dominican Republic. He has a couple of bank accounts that escaped him with Merrill Lynch and the Congressional Federal Credit Union with approximately $250,000 to $500,00 in each of them. He hasn't reported the properties or the income from the properties or the money sitting in the two forgotten bank accounts. Mr. Rangel who sits as chair on the tax writing committee apparently doesn't want to pay taxes! How's about that!! Hey Mr. Rangel, I don't wanna pay taxes either! But if I didn't report earnings and therefore didn't pay taxes on them I would be fending off my room mate “killa” from a little afternoon delight. How come you get to keep you cushy job and have all of us hard working americans pay you for cheating us. Ever hear what's good for the goose is good for the gander? Okay everyone, Mr. Rangel, by example, says we DO NOT HAVE TO PAY TAXES!!! YEAH!!!

How does this happen? Nancy Pelosi calls the American people Nazi's, astroturf for exercising our 1st amendment right in the form of Tea Parties and she gets away with it! She attacks the CIA and somehow it's water under the bridge! Well I gotta a few descriptors for you Nancy, self inflated, obnoxious, rude, mis-informed, self-righteous, completely confused and don't forget your broom.

Joe Wilson tells the truth and has the fortitude to say it right out in the open to the president's face and he is blasted and the House wants to make an example of him?! What is this bizzaro world?! And the house of clowns is voting on admonishing Joe Wilson. As far as I'm concerned he's the only one besides John McCain, that should be there. Hats off Mr. Wilson, my utmost respect.

This is absolutely insane! We are paying these people to represent us and do our will. We DO NOT work for them! It has gotten completely out of control! They look down their long noses at us as if we are not sophisticated enough to pick out our own clothes let alone understand how our government works. Thanks to their complete inability to do anything correctly, legally, or out in the open we are now becoming very active participants in the whole process. I also think that there are gonna be quite a number of democrats voted out of office. I also think the Tea Parties threw them for a loop. AND yes, some of us are actually reading the healthcare bill and keeping abreast of every little thing that they do.

Just so ya know, the utterly pompous Harry Reid said last year that he was glad that they remodeled the Capital lobby because in the summer the tourists really smelled and now he won't be subjected to us. Hey, Harry, those smelly people pay your salary! Well, since you represent a portion of us, I guess you are HEAD STINKHOLE! Ah, that's okay, I think you stink too, the feeling is totally mutual! Ya know, his staff even told him do NOT go out there and say this but he did anyway. Well how would YOU expect an a****** to smell? Yup, just like Harry Reid. See we are smart.

MTV awards....always fairly entertaining.  But this time Kanye West ruined a shining moment for a fellow artist.  Bad deal, dude. 

First of all, who invited your loud mouth up on the stage during someone else's moment.  Not everybody is interested in your opinion either.  Some of us actually want to hear other musicians speak and watch their glorious moment that they worked very hard for. 

Taylor Swift....you are a very classy young lady and I was very impressed by your handling of the situation and your remarks afterward.  It shows a mature, lovely, person.  Beyonce, the same can be said of you.  I was also impressed by your actions at the MTV awards.  Good show.  Kanye....well, let's follow Taylor's good taste and just say....I wasn't impressed.  And my opinion of you is exactly what it has been for quite some time.

Just looked at Kanye's apology on his blog.  Apparenly, Taylor's mother said something to him as he came off stage after ruining her daughter's moment in the sun.  He went home and apologized on his blog.  He also said that he is just keeping it real.  That ain't real, that's rude and obnoxious.  The MTV crowd also knew it was rude and obnoxious that's why they boo'd his ass everytime his name was mentioned.  Okay, forget what I said earlier about following Taylor's example.  I'm not Taylor.  I'm appauled.  This person, Kanye, he obviously thinks too much of himself simply from the fact he felt it necessary to share his feelings about Beyonce's video with the world DURING SOMEONE ELSE'S ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!  Who cares about you, man!?  You have a very small piece of this big old world and you ain't it. 

Kanye has issues to say the least.  The biggest one being himself.  He has had several run-ins with police and paparazzi. 

I had a pastor some time ago tell me something very poignant.  He said, "If you are too engrossed about everything that affects you then your world is too small and you have completely missed the point".  He was right.  And Kanye, you have completely missed the point. 

Quote of the day:
I've had my share of doing things that I really wish I hadn't done.
Natalie Cole
At Obama's address last night there came a point when President Obama wanted to speak on some of the "rumors" and "mis-information" that was out there buy talk show hosts and some prominent politicians.  When our president said that illegal immigrants will NOT be covered under the public healthcare plan Mr. Joe Wilson yelled out "you lie". 

I have new respect for at least ONE congressman.....Mr. Joe Wilson.  It takes guts and some brass ones to call it like it is, right out there man right in front of every lousy statesmen and the President.....love it!  Did you see Nancy Pelosi's face?  It was classic!  She looked exactly like what she is.......a witch.  She was beyond angry.  The eyes were big and the mouth soooooo very very tight.  She looked like a grandmother who just caught the grandkiddies using the good china as frisbees!  It made my night!

Congressman Wilson did apologize.  But I don't hold it against him cause right after he did he twittered and emailed ALL his supporters to raise money to bring down the "healthcare bill".  WOW!!  So far he has raised $200,000.  He is shooting for $1 million within the next 24 hours.  Everybody together....Foooorrrr he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow.....

Have any of you ever watched the English Parliament?  The Prime Minister may address parliament in the House of Commons and everyone will yell, boo, show support or rejection verbally.  It's quite riotous at times and definitely entertaining. This is one of those times where we actually reverse rolls.  The English are known for being very reserved where us good old Americans are usually looked on as being quite gauche.

Well good old Mr. Wilson went back to his English roots and gave us an outburst that any Lord would have been most proud of!  Good show, my fine fellow! 

Quote of the day:
I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents. Sir Winston Churchill
British politician (1874 - 1965)
God Bless this country.  God Bless our military, firefighters, police, emergency personnel,CIA, FBI, Secret Service our American Hero's of 9/11.  Flight 93 where the passengers stormed the cockpit to make sure the terrorists didn't get that plane to D.C.  The shock and horror of exactly what just happened as we all watched and were affected for the rest of our lives.  We had not been attacked on our own soil since Pearl Harbor.  We must always remember.

Thank you President Bush for keeping us safe and doing EVERYTHING you did to keep that promise.  

At 8pm tonight President Obama addressed Congress about Healthcare reform.  He is very eloquent, a wonderful speaker.  But I believe he knows this is not going to end up the way he says it will.  There is no way for this man to be able to wipe clean all the fraud and abuse that is rampant in our health insurance companies.  There is no way to stop uninsured people from going to the ER for treatment.  There is no way to stop illegal aliens from doing the same.  He mentioned the dreaded public plan.  People, people....Medicare and Medicaid ARE public plans and they are bankrupt.  Anything the government attempts to do in competition with private sector business fails miserably and costs us immensely!  I heard some things that I did like....how he will accomplish this is beyond me but it would be wonderful.  Co-operative...I like it.  It will help individuals and small business.  This to me makes sense.  But the insurance companies are gonna fight it wholeheartedly.  Instead of just a few major insurance companies controlling certain portions of the country there will be many more, increasing the competition does lower the costs and increase the quality but you need cooperation.  Obama said implementation date will be 4 years.  Interesting...maybe he is going to set up as much as he can the old Chicago way to be re-elected in 4 years to bring it all home.  Who knows?  I personally don't trust our government.  Never have.  But this administration...well not only do I not trust them but they are scary.  Rohm Emmanuel sent a fish to someone who opposed him.  What does that tell you.  Nancy Pelosi is downright manipulative, narrow minded, self serving, condescending and is a downright liar.  remember the astroturf comment?  Just think she is third in line for the presidency.  Scary thought.    This is not the America I grew up in.  All of the people that Obama surrounds himself with are questionable in the least and downright maniacal.  Van Jones stepped down because of his statements...he is a 9-11 truther.  He actually signed a petition saying that our own government actually orchestrated the whole event.  I'm beyond myself!  This is just one of the communist, bizarre, non-American whack jobs the Prez chose to take these czar positions.  Ya know...he also has a czar,Cass Sunstein, that believes animals can sue people.  Yes folks, this is absolutely true.  And he is a Harvard Law Professor.....heaven help us.  Van Jones was Yale educated.  Can you stand it?  What is going on?  The ivy league colleges are turning out nut jobs! 

Well prepare people.  Prepare.  If things go the way I think they are going we are in for more than just healthcare reform.  We are gonna be looking at American reform.  That is where the pitchforks come in.  Stand your ground!  Tell your Senators and Congressman that they work for you, not the other way around.  Keep your ear to the ground.  We may be in for a good old REVOLUTION!  Sometimes you just have to clean house and start completely over.

Quote of the day:
For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him.
Karl Marx

Update on the Moammar Gadhafi visit to New Jersey.  It's a NO GO.  Gee, I wonder why?  Couldn't be that people were waiting with pitchforks around the Libyan Estate, can it?  Or maybe one of the Soprano's just had "a little talk".  Well, my condolences to New York.  They are gonna get 'em for his visit to the U.N.  Remember my cousins....you have sewers and Ally the giant alligator that takes care of most of the bio material that makes it there. 

Hey, just outta curiosity...anybody got any info on Paul Flick from Tuition painters?  If so, PLEASE give us a shout....this guy shouldn't been from New Jersey.  Whadda a common criminal.  Gonna be spending some time sifting through dirt on this one.  I'll let you know what I get.

Also just to round things up...did you know that approximately 4,000 prisoner's got a stimulus check from our government?  Oh yeah....not the homeless, people getting foreclosed on, not struggling single mothers trying to get an education, not hungry children....NO, NO...prisoner's who get cable, a gym, three squares a day, free education, a job to earn a little money on the side, and a nice warm place to sleep every night.  Yeah, they got a $250 stimulus check.  How's that for "CHANGE"!  Hey, ya know what....keep your frickin' change!  Here's the icing on the cake....the government released a statement that said, "we are actively trying to retrieve the money".  HA!  Hey, I gotta bridge in brooklyn I'd like to sell ya!  THEIR PRISONER'S.....the first second they got the money, the second "second" they spent it on cigarettes at the jail house store, dimwits.  You ain't gonna see NO money!! 

One of Obama's czar's stepped down too....apparently he was a marxist.  He told everybody he was a marxist but Obama put him in anyway....more of that wonderful "CHANGE" we all needed.  Apparently, his version of "change" includes killing democracy.  Want some change?  How's about you get out of my country!  That's the kinda change I'd like to see.  Putting us in debt we will NEVER RECOVER from, putting in 100 different czars for crap we don't need and ALL OF THEM very Questionable in Nature.  Go to Europe, go to the Middle East, just don't stay here.  Get out!  Okay folks....we convinced Moammar to keep on going.....get out the pitchforks one more time and let's see if we can get rid of the criminals we call government.  I've had my fill and I believe it's time for another REVOLUTION.  No more sitting on your cans!  Keep the Town Hall attitude going, march on the steps of OUR WHITE HOUSE, OUR CONGRESS AND OUR SENATE!!  They work for us REMEMBER!  AND if they don't, get 'EM OUT!!
Pressure makes diamonds.
- General George Patton Jr  

Paul Flick.....gotta laugh...you just know this guy was beat up in high school!  Well, Paul Flick owns Tuitiion Painters.  AND what a rip off.  I have talked to a few folks and apparently this guy doesn't always pay his employees nor does he give refunds to customers.  So to quote my hero John McCain, "I'm gonna make him famous". 

Here's the story...

A friend of mine wanted to get her house painted and got an estimate from a seemingly nice college kid that worked for Tuition Painters aka Paul Flick.  He gave his estimate for one coat of Sherwin Williams paint and she gave him a downpayment check for $500.  

Bryce Johnston, the college kid from Southern New Jersey, came out to the house to test the paint with one of his painters to make sure that one coat would cover.   She was watching them out of her kitchen window and she saw them whispering and looking at the paint in the can.  That was her first indication that something may be wrong.  Soooo, she went out and asked if everything was okay.  THey said yup, no problem.  They put on the test patch and said it looks good and left.  A couple hours later she went out and it didn't look good.  In fact, it was not covering very well at all.  I saw it myself, it looked like crap.  She called them back and Bryce said it will probably need two coats doubling the price.  She said no thanks and asked for a refund.  Bryce said, "No problem".  That was in May, it is now September and the story gets far worse.  

Bryce tells her that she needs to call Devon Walsh, who is his boss.  So, she gets the number from Bryce and calls Devon.  Who tells her that he doesn't cut the checks, his boss and owner of the company does, Paul Flick.  Well, she gets the number from Devon for Paul Flick.  She calls him and he tells her that he will send the check.  After a few weeks and a few calls....he does.  The check bounces.  She calls him back and he apologizes and says to re-deposit.  She does and it bounces again.  Now, she is not very happy at all and this Paul Flick is getting nasty on the phone with her and even hung up on her on one phone call.  She tells him that it bounced again.  He said he will send out another check.....she gets nothing.  After many more phone calls, she finally gets a friend who.........well, knows stuff lets say, to get his home address and phone number.  She calls him at home.  She figured, she's being inconvenienced AND now he will be inconvenienced.  He's not there but the wife Elizabeth is.  ANd she tells Elizabeth the whole story.  Elizabeth calls Paul, upset I presume because out of nowhere Paul the Flick calls her back.  He is angry and tells her that if she calls the house again, she won't ever get her money.  He says he will send out another check.  She, my friend, tells him to make it a certified check.  Two weeks later a check shows up, NOT A CERTIFIED CHECK.  Crap.....well you probably already know what happened next.  It bounced.  Well, she is very upset, as you can imagine.  She sent me his home address in Alexandria, Virginia and a picture of his house, she found out some other stuff about this guy too, not too cool.  He is also originally Canadian.  Paul doesn't know this but she has family there and knows the area pretty darn good.  I believe I feel a road trip coming on.  I would only be MORE THAN HAPPY to accompany my lovely friend.  I'll keep you updated on her progress and our little road trip.  
 Hmmm.....I could really have some fun with this guys name......but I should probably keep this G rated.  HA!!  Let your imaginations run people! 
Just to give you some more info.  This Flick and he's a real flick..... has approximately 40 judgements against him and the better business bureau gets tons of complaints.  AND it's the same dude that owns all of 'em folks in a number of states.  By the way, Sherwin Williams doesn't have an account with this guy....so buyer beware.  Don't use Tuition Painters total scam, my friends.

Quote of the day: 
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. 
- General George Patton Jr