Well, well, well...sucks doesn't it, being called on the carpet.  What a reversal of what you are used to, huh....  Schools in New Jersey do exactly as they wish and sometimes they forget to tell the little youngsters parents.  This is just another example of pure stupidity and they got called on it.

A Burllington County school taught little elementary school children to the rhythm of a religious hymn about Jesus a song about Obama.  They say they did it for Black History Month back in February and to honor our new president.  This may be true but isn't it funny what little rhythm they decided to use. 

Teachers are liberal because Democrats are big on education and that's great but it is also pulling politics into the classroom, a very big no no.  You can't talk about Jesus or God, we can't say Merry Christmas, we can't talk about the real reason we have Easter, we can't stand up for marriage between a man and a woman, we can't, we can't, we can't....

So, why then are these teachers indoctrinating our children?  I didn't see them stand up and demand a Christmas Tree at CHRISTMAS, I didn't hear them sing "O Holy Night"...why then are they recanting political views of our leader? 

One more incident that is fairly recent...Lenape Regional School District encompasses Cherokee, Shawnee, Seneca and Lenape High School's.  A couple of years ago there was a vote in this dictrict on whether or not they should approve funds for an artificial turf field.  The voters spoke and they declined to give money to the district for the turf.  Well, it wasn't soon after that that a BIG announcement was made...a group of men got together and decided they were going to raise money to get the school district the money to put in artificial turf EVEN THOUGH the voters didn't want it.  They just automatically assumed that it was the money that turned the voters against the idea.  They were wrong.  I spoke to some of those parents and most of them were concerned over their children getting injured on the turf.  And they had every right to be worried.  Ask any professional team...the injuries are far worst.  In fact, many of those professional teams are switching over to natural grass fields.  There is also the problem of being sanitary.  These artificial turfs can habor all kinds of bacteria and viruses.  A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that athletes who sustain a skin burn from artificial turf were “seven times more likely to develop MRSA infection”.   Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 2000 found that “MRSA survives better on artificial turf than on other surfaces”.  There is also the "Heat Island Effect"  turf fields are notorious for rises tempatures.  Turf fields can reach 140 to 160 or so degrees, real grass DOES NOT.

One of the guys that thought raising money to get the turf fields was a great idea, was actually a salesguy for artificial turf, lucky wasn't it?

Guess what, Shawness got the artificial turf field and Cherokee is getting one this fall.

This is the kinda, "let me step on your face if you don't do what I want" attitude that has gotten this state it's reputation. 

Quote of the day:

"There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons, and the word 'council' must be restored to its original meaning. Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man."
- Adolf Hitler
10/3/2009 01:36:18 pm

Scary what our schools, in and out of NJ, do isn't it? Maybe the only real, unbiased classroom we can use at this point is...well, our own homes. Who else is for pulling all of our kids out of public schools and just freakin' teaching them ourselves?


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