Yesterday morning I was in my office surfing the news and having my second cup of coffee for the day.  When all of a sudden I see the top news of the day.  HOLY COW!  I shot coffee out so fast and furiously that it hit the wall across from me.  My partner gave me a 10 for distance and accuracy. 

Have I died and gotten caught in some sadistic hell where only things like this can happen?  Is this some international prank?  Who would've guessed... certainly not me!  Well our super star president has just received the Nobel Peace Prize.  He is in wonderful company....Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt.  Of course there are some questionable ones as well, most recently Al Gore and Jimmy Carter. 

Remember Jimmy Carter?  American hostages for 444 days in Iran during his presidency and who can forget the odd and even days of getting in lines from hell for gas?  But he just loves our new president and he got a Nobel for it.  Am I missing something?  Did the rules change for the Nobel Peace Prize and I was on vacation?  

When I was a kid and found out that there was no Santa Claus, I thought to myself, this is it.  Life is over.  Everything I believe to be true, isn't!  I was completely blown away. After going on a three day candy and soda binge that could revival any crack addict, I realized I must go on.  I thought never could I receive any type of news more devastating then this again and my faith was restored in humanity.  Little did I know soooooo many years later I would be thrown into a dismal black hole again!  Jimmy Carter.  That's when my cynical outlook was anchored and it has only grown over the years to where I am now.  

President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is not only confusing and bizarre but it proves what I have been saying for too many years.  Most of the people walking earth are stupid.  Has the Nobel Peace committee been eating too much fish laced with mercury?

Help us.....there is no coming back from this one.  Just to let you know...in February his name was thrown into the barrel.  He was only in office for two weeks.  As a junior Senator he did absolutely nothing.  So, you may ask yourself, "how is this possible"?  Good question.  Is it because he is our first black president?  Is it cause he gives an eloquent speech?  Is it cause Jimmy Carter is soooo well respected and Jimmy thinks Barack is just downright awesome.  What is it?  Obama has not accomplished any of his campaign promises, in fact, he has put our country into financial ruin.  He has let the terrorists know we won't do anything so go ahead and do your worst.  He'll just talk ya into submission.....right.  He is offering illegals healthcare on the backs of hard working Americans.  Yes....."he lied".  Thanks Joe Wilson for letting us know the dirty truth.  In fact, I get the feeling that he isn't telling us too much.  What is he taking lessons from Putin?  Folks, we are being set up.  Open your eyes.....there are forces at work behind closed doors.  I realize that this has always been the case but in this particular time of history and this particular government and this particular president....something more is going on and the liberal left part of the world is doing everything they can to give him everything he needs to do their bidding.  America may be no more sooner than we think. 

As I'm sitting here thinking, why wasn't Jesus nominated or for that matter why hasn't he won!  Even if you don't believe he is the Son of God surely he was known as the Prince of Peace!  Even Josephus, a historian who was NOT a Christian, wrote about Jesus and the acts of peace and miracles that he did FOR ALL MAN, no matter race, gender, religion, creed.  No one can not say Jesus was not a man because he was documented outside of the Bible.  So, next year, let's get Jesus nominated.....he's done FAR MORE then anyone I can think of.

Quote of the day:

It is difficult for the common good to prevail against the intense concentration of those who have a special interest, especially if the decisions are made behind locked doors.

Jimmy Carter 

10/17/2009 01:52:13 am

very well written. i agree 100%.Although I did not go on a crack binge as child, i
did survey closely what was spoken to my child about Santa. I explain that in real life there are three sides to every coin. Heads, tails and the decisions made
where only selfish decisions are made, such as a trip to Copenhagen. Sooner or later Obama is not only the first black president..he will also be the first black president to die in office too.


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