Have ya heard?! According to the Obama White House....Fox News is entertainment tv, no real news source here! Just cotton candy and soda!! Whoa....be careful candy and soda will get you more taxes and possibly raise your health insurance premiums if Big Brother sees ya buy it!! Mark my words...there's gonna be a black market for Twinkies...

Just a thought but do ya think, just perhaps, Obama says Fox News is light entertainment because they broke the story on ACORN who Obama was a lawyer for and ACORN also had a hand in the presidential election getting people to vote whether they were alive or dead! Now, that's dedication!

Or let's say, just maybe, the high cost, on many levels, the new healthcare bill may REALLY cost? Or perhaps it's the cap and trade? Or, wait, could it be the criticism on his Nobel Peace Prize? He's done so much to deserve that one, right up there with Gandhi and Martin Luther King! Maybe, the shading of the truth.....GO Joe Wilson!!

Fox News is NOT in Obama's pocket....democracy sucks, doesn't it. Rohm, dead fish, Emmanuel is Obama's right hand man, who better to control everything. Do not cross Rohm or you too will receive a lovely dead fish in the mail. What was that an invitation to dinner and let's have fish OR you gonna sleep with da fishes....hmmmmmmmm.

Anita Dunn....oh boy. Mao....oh boy. Anita Dunn is the White House's Communication Director. So she knows exactly what she is saying....it's her job. She just LOVES and refers to often Mao's politics? Is she kidding? What happened here? Did I just leave the United States and wake up in Communist China? Ya know, she said that at a high school graduation this past June. When called on the carpet on that little statement she said, it was a joke that fell flat. Oh my....let me tell you something...that's no joke. A joke goes, “hey did ya hear about the penguin, the horse and the rabbit that went into the bar”? OR when one of my kids says, “I'll be home sometime before morning”. RIGHT!! I DON'T THINK SO!

Folks, it's looking like we have may a dictatorship brewing in OUR White House. I am deeply concerned. This is NOT supposed to happen in the GREAT DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! If your not a little scared, then my friend you my be a little blind....

The reason Obama is going after the Fox News is because Fox News covers real stories and then breaks them. They also reach more Americans then any other news outlet. People in America DO watch Fox News because they give you the news without the political spin...that right, they do.

Oh and guess what...just hot off the press! Journalists have just been told that they will no longer have access to the detention center at Gitmo. This is because of the incident where the Chinese Muslims held up signs suggesting that our president was not democratic but communist because he hadn't closed Gitmo yet. MORE CONTROL. Not a good sign for America.

This is not Chicago politics, this is MY country and YOUR country and it's up to US to put an end to this. The Obama White House is underestimating the people of America. We are a deliberate group, a determined group, an in-your-face group, and we don't mind another revolution, do we?

Independence forever.
John Adams' last public words as a toast for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

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