I woke up this morning, came down the stairs and I feel a little off today.  I did my typical morning routine, make the coffee, pick up the papers from my favorite spot in my office and settle in with a nice hot cup 'o joe. 

Then, as I was going through my notoriously large inbox, til this day, I simply don't know half the things that make it in there.  My delete button is worn on my laptop.  It used to say delete, now it's just the shiny blank button.  Being such a creature of habit, I continued the morning ritual, then just stopped. 

I opened up the blog and decided....I'm just gonna write.  Nothing in mind, just write.

This country was founded on some typical causes or beliefs, simple but true.  We escaped England because of heavy taxation and freedom of religion.  The funny thing is.....now...if you are truly honest...our country has taken a kinda ugly turn.  I live in New Jersey and Jersey has been ugly for a very long time.  But the rest of the country is about to join us.  Taxation is very heavy in my state and it's only gonna get worse for Jersey and America.  California is in second runner up position.  Religious freedom has always been enjoyed in our country but the tide is turning.  Our America is changing.

I often think to myself when watching an interview or press conference or perhaps reading the paper, does anyone else think this is propaganda?  Plan and simple lies or haf-truths?  I simply can't be the only one.  We are human, I got that, but stupid?

I am the kind of person who pretty much says whats on their mind.  I don't color the truth, I say as I see it.  Some people love it and many people hate it.  It is was it is.  But the simple truth behind it....is that I just want the same respect back.  Just tell me....don't color it, shade it or try to hide it.  Give it to me straight....

I suffered from cancer about 5 years ago.  I have known my physician for a looonnnggg time.  AND he knew me.  I didn't feel right and I kept telling him, "I do NOT feel right".  So, after many procedures, tests, and blood work.....there it was, cancer. 

I remember getting a call to make an appointment to go over the tests....I knew right then something was obviously wrong. 

I went into his office, another not so good sign.  He played around with paper, looked at me....would start then stop.  I put my hand on his desk and said...." Just tell me.....I'm an adult".  So, he just did.  It was a bit of a shock but I appreciated the directness.  I think he was a little shocked as well.  I didn't freak, I didn't yell or get mad.  I smiled and said, "so...what's next".  He was relieved, I could plainly see it.

I'm fine.  It's gone and I'm 5 years out and clean bill of health.  

But I feel like we, as a nation, are sick, lost and very confused.  We are not handling this well and our forefathers are rolling in their graves....  We have lost the essence of what and who we are.  We are all over the place, selfish, arrogant, stupid, non-committal.  What is this?

I had hope when I saw the Tea Parties but then almost had a seizure when I saw the spin out of the White House....  I gotta tell ya... I almost went friggin' postal when I saw Nancy Pelosi on TV telling some reporter that she thought we were a bunch of Nazi's and astroturf.  For halloween, just to show her no hard feelings...I'm gonna get her one of those cool Harry Potter brooms!!!  Then when she flys around the White House scaring the crap out of the first family and their little dog, she can do it with style!  

My grandfather, I was told, once said before he died to another family member....that if you can count on one hand the number of truly good people that you have met before you leave this earth consider yourself lucky.  I'm a cynic by blood.  

Dr. Freud also had a theory....the ID.  The ID is the little beasty deep down inside of us that  tells us to do exactly what we want when we want.  It's the internal child, selfish, mean, greedy.  I believe most people live in their ID and then lie to us because it is not acceptable by societies standard.

A two year old wants a cookie before dinner...mom says no.  Mom leaves the room, the kid grabs and gobbles up the cookie.  Mom comes back in and says where is the cookie?  THe kid points to the dog.  No one taught her to do this, it just came naturally.....

My boss also has her own theory...."the common enemy".  This too is also very good.  Find a common enemy and everyone, no matter race, creed, religious background, age, station in life will band together and conquer.  WWII and Hitler come to mind just because I believe he is the most heinous and infamous.  There are many others but my fingers would fall off before I got a quarter of the way through the list.  

But as I type, my mind goes to the creatures of the earth, not including us.  And I think, there is good.  Blame my hippie side or the 25% of native american that floats in my DNA but I can actually see the good.  Is this good....God?  I won't debate that here because for me....there is no debate.  But perhaps the ID whispers do it, do it...and God simply says, "please don't".  There are a number of us out there that obey, but there are just as many and many days it seems there are considerably MORE that simply let there ID go wild. 

So, God.  It is what our country was founded on too, whether you agree or not is simply irrevelant.  It says "In God We Trust" on our currency.  What haven't you ever looked?  Why do you think that this extremely YOUNG country has done soooo well?  Because we're smarter than everyone else, hell no.  Because we're cuter, no way.  Because God has a special interest.  We knew him and we had potential.  But now, the tide is turning.  We are turning our backs on God.  Not a good thing.  Remember Lots wife and Sodom and Gomorrah If not, open your Bible.  Folks, President Obama did away with having pastors come to the White House and pray with him on National Prayer Day.  I bet God wasn't too thrilled with that one.  Without God in the picture, our picture will soon fade away.  Are you willing to take that chance?  Well, if you don't believe it, no matter...you will.  Whether it's on this earth or somewhere else....I'm thinking flames and pitchforks....
sucks being you.

Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen.  Revelation 1:7

Quote of the day:

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

Poor Albert, on his death bed he was trying to prove God.  He knew that there was one but faith escaped him....now,we

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