  President Obama has his hands in literally everything. He actually traveled to Copenhagen to campaign for good ole' Chicago to host the summer Olympics games.

We are fighting two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran is getting ready to build nukes and blow Israel and the United States off the world, our economy is in the crapper, joblessness has hit an all new high 9.8%, we got a healthcare bill dilemma to say the least and our president thought now would be a great time to rally with his wife and go to Copenhagen to get those Olympics in his home city of Chicago, the scariest place on earth besides Detriot and Camden, New Jersey.  Does anyone know what that must have cost us poor, stressed out, about to lose our jobs if we didn't already, taxpayers? Airforce one with it's private crew hauling our first lady and president to Copenhagen, Denmark? Well, it sure wasn't cheap. More of our money being spent on the WRONG THING again.
Has he lost his mind? What kind of a message does this send to “we the people”?

He is now avoiding the next problem. According to General McChrystal, if we do not increase our troops by 40,000 immediately there is a good chance we will lose the war in Afghanistan to the Taliban.

I know the far left is not willing to send another solider but does anyone remember Iraq? We almost lost that one because of a situation just like this one. We can not afford to lose this war. It is a matter of our way of life, liberty, and freedom.

John McCain released a statement that we need to increase our troop levels and he also referenced Iraq.

People, where is the common sense? Why is President Obama tackling the wrong items? Why is he not giving McChystal the troops. I do not like war anymore than anyone else. My own nephew is in Afghanistan right now and he needs to be there. This isn't a matter of let them live as they wish and we will too. This is a matter of survival for all.

Iran has officially been getting their nuclear program to the point where they are able to build them if they want to and boy, do they want to. Don't you think for half a second that they are NOT going to build it, blow Israel from the earth and then come for us and Great Britain. For them, this is about Armageddon. This is about Mohammad and Allah. This is about wiping the infidels from the earth. For them it is clean up time. They are not interested in building relationships or celebrating our differences or creating a global community. For them it's about converting and maintaining for Islam. If you do not convert, you die. If you do not conform, you die. If you do not do exactly as they say you should, you simply die. This for them is jihad.

Unfortunately, President Obama doesn't get it. He thinks pretty speeches will keep us quiet and trusting of anything he says, he's wrong. The more people I talk to the more I realize he's the one in the bubble, not us.

This country has made the biggest mistake since Jimmy Carter.....Barack Hussein Obama.


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