John From Canada, If your still out there,  I would love to talk to you about Mr. Paul Flick.  
I read this story today and am absolutely sickened by the entire incident.  This poor 15 year old girl was gang raped for over two hours by a group of other students and apparently a 19 and 21 year old were involved as well.  It appears at least one of the adults was a former student. 

The victim left the dance to be picked up by her father around 9pm.  At that point the police state that a fellow male student lured her to the other side of the building where other people were drinking and then the horrible incident incurred.  The police believe at least 10 people were actually involved in the rape and approximately 10 or so people simply came to watch this horrendous incident take place.

What does this say about our society.  The police say it is in a rough neighborhood but do you mean to tell me not one person had a moral nudge to do a thing? 

After the assault they found the victim under a bench half conscious and she is hospitalized right now in stable condition. 

What about her family?  What about her father?  Did he come to the school and couldn't find her?  Did he start making calls?  I will be watching and reading as the story unfolds.  I have three teens myself and I have to tell you this truly hits very close to home.  If things were bad enough now kids can't be safe at a school event. 
It is very unsettling.  My heart goes out to this child and her parents.  And I hope they round up every last one of them and prosecute them to the full extent.  They inflicted beatings and rape and as far as I'm concerned she was kidnapped, held against her will, raped and tortured.....sounds like a war zone.

I wonder if this incident is tied in any way to illegal immigrants.  San Francisco is a sanctuary city and there have been too many incidents already in San Francisco with violent crimes involving illegal immigrants.  The last story that comes to mind happened in 2008 to the Bologna family when an illegal immigrant gang member shot and killed a father with his two sons while they were in their car.  They simply got in the way.  Ramos, the illegal, had been in trouble before and was released everytime when he should have been deported but the city of San Francisco refused to deport him going against state law.  Well, if they did, that family would still be alive today.  So, I wonder.....what is the immigration status of th

This is just one more appauling story in a long list.  What does this say about our schools, our kids?   There should also be some form of discipline for the teachers who were supposed to be keeping the kids safe.  There were also cops there supervising this event....they too should be disciplined or fired for allowing something like this to even take place.  More than two hours.....this child suffered horrendously.....

People with morals and need to let your voice be heard.  We need to let the immoral know we are watching and we need to act if you see something wrong.  Standing by and watching makes you an accomplice to the crime.

Quote of the day:

“You eat meat and you kill things that are better than you are, and then you say how bad, and even killers, your children are. You made your children what they are....”   Charles Manson

Good Morning!  I am sitting in my office and going through my email, daily ritual....
And I just saw something that was sent to me from my father.  You must view this, the YouTube link is below. 

This cartoon, thanks to LCL Report and Tarrin Lupo, will enlighten you all.  

This cartoon will make you PROUD to be an American and it will slap your blind being into reality and was IS truly going on in our country right now.  This is a must see, so I hope you spend just a few moments viewing this very educational cartoon.

Enjoy......get your pitchfork out.
I woke up this morning, came down the stairs and I feel a little off today.  I did my typical morning routine, make the coffee, pick up the papers from my favorite spot in my office and settle in with a nice hot cup 'o joe. 

Then, as I was going through my notoriously large inbox, til this day, I simply don't know half the things that make it in there.  My delete button is worn on my laptop.  It used to say delete, now it's just the shiny blank button.  Being such a creature of habit, I continued the morning ritual, then just stopped. 

I opened up the blog and decided....I'm just gonna write.  Nothing in mind, just write.

This country was founded on some typical causes or beliefs, simple but true.  We escaped England because of heavy taxation and freedom of religion.  The funny thing you are truly honest...our country has taken a kinda ugly turn.  I live in New Jersey and Jersey has been ugly for a very long time.  But the rest of the country is about to join us.  Taxation is very heavy in my state and it's only gonna get worse for Jersey and America.  California is in second runner up position.  Religious freedom has always been enjoyed in our country but the tide is turning.  Our America is changing.

I often think to myself when watching an interview or press conference or perhaps reading the paper, does anyone else think this is propaganda?  Plan and simple lies or haf-truths?  I simply can't be the only one.  We are human, I got that, but stupid?

I am the kind of person who pretty much says whats on their mind.  I don't color the truth, I say as I see it.  Some people love it and many people hate it.  It is was it is.  But the simple truth behind that I just want the same respect back.  Just tell me....don't color it, shade it or try to hide it.  Give it to me straight....

I suffered from cancer about 5 years ago.  I have known my physician for a looonnnggg time.  AND he knew me.  I didn't feel right and I kept telling him, "I do NOT feel right".  So, after many procedures, tests, and blood work.....there it was, cancer. 

I remember getting a call to make an appointment to go over the tests....I knew right then something was obviously wrong. 

I went into his office, another not so good sign.  He played around with paper, looked at me....would start then stop.  I put my hand on his desk and said...." Just tell me.....I'm an adult".  So, he just did.  It was a bit of a shock but I appreciated the directness.  I think he was a little shocked as well.  I didn't freak, I didn't yell or get mad.  I smiled and said, "so...what's next".  He was relieved, I could plainly see it.

I'm fine.  It's gone and I'm 5 years out and clean bill of health.  

But I feel like we, as a nation, are sick, lost and very confused.  We are not handling this well and our forefathers are rolling in their graves....  We have lost the essence of what and who we are.  We are all over the place, selfish, arrogant, stupid, non-committal.  What is this?

I had hope when I saw the Tea Parties but then almost had a seizure when I saw the spin out of the White House....  I gotta tell ya... I almost went friggin' postal when I saw Nancy Pelosi on TV telling some reporter that she thought we were a bunch of Nazi's and astroturf.  For halloween, just to show her no hard feelings...I'm gonna get her one of those cool Harry Potter brooms!!!  Then when she flys around the White House scaring the crap out of the first family and their little dog, she can do it with style!  

My grandfather, I was told, once said before he died to another family member....that if you can count on one hand the number of truly good people that you have met before you leave this earth consider yourself lucky.  I'm a cynic by blood.  

Dr. Freud also had a theory....the ID.  The ID is the little beasty deep down inside of us that  tells us to do exactly what we want when we want.  It's the internal child, selfish, mean, greedy.  I believe most people live in their ID and then lie to us because it is not acceptable by societies standard.

A two year old wants a cookie before says no.  Mom leaves the room, the kid grabs and gobbles up the cookie.  Mom comes back in and says where is the cookie?  THe kid points to the dog.  No one taught her to do this, it just came naturally.....

My boss also has her own theory...."the common enemy".  This too is also very good.  Find a common enemy and everyone, no matter race, creed, religious background, age, station in life will band together and conquer.  WWII and Hitler come to mind just because I believe he is the most heinous and infamous.  There are many others but my fingers would fall off before I got a quarter of the way through the list.  

But as I type, my mind goes to the creatures of the earth, not including us.  And I think, there is good.  Blame my hippie side or the 25% of native american that floats in my DNA but I can actually see the good.  Is this good....God?  I won't debate that here because for me....there is no debate.  But perhaps the ID whispers do it, do it...and God simply says, "please don't".  There are a number of us out there that obey, but there are just as many and many days it seems there are considerably MORE that simply let there ID go wild. 

So, God.  It is what our country was founded on too, whether you agree or not is simply irrevelant.  It says "In God We Trust" on our currency.  What haven't you ever looked?  Why do you think that this extremely YOUNG country has done soooo well?  Because we're smarter than everyone else, hell no.  Because we're cuter, no way.  Because God has a special interest.  We knew him and we had potential.  But now, the tide is turning.  We are turning our backs on God.  Not a good thing.  Remember Lots wife and Sodom and Gomorrah If not, open your Bible.  Folks, President Obama did away with having pastors come to the White House and pray with him on National Prayer Day.  I bet God wasn't too thrilled with that one.  Without God in the picture, our picture will soon fade away.  Are you willing to take that chance?  Well, if you don't believe it, no will.  Whether it's on this earth or somewhere else....I'm thinking flames and pitchforks....
sucks being you.

Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen.  Revelation 1:7

Quote of the day:

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

Poor Albert, on his death bed he was trying to prove God.  He knew that there was one but faith escaped,we

 Have ya heard?! According to the Obama White House....Fox News is entertainment tv, no real news source here! Just cotton candy and soda!! careful candy and soda will get you more taxes and possibly raise your health insurance premiums if Big Brother sees ya buy it!! Mark my words...there's gonna be a black market for Twinkies...

Just a thought but do ya think, just perhaps, Obama says Fox News is light entertainment because they broke the story on ACORN who Obama was a lawyer for and ACORN also had a hand in the presidential election getting people to vote whether they were alive or dead! Now, that's dedication!

Or let's say, just maybe, the high cost, on many levels, the new healthcare bill may REALLY cost? Or perhaps it's the cap and trade? Or, wait, could it be the criticism on his Nobel Peace Prize? He's done so much to deserve that one, right up there with Gandhi and Martin Luther King! Maybe, the shading of the truth.....GO Joe Wilson!!

Fox News is NOT in Obama's pocket....democracy sucks, doesn't it. Rohm, dead fish, Emmanuel is Obama's right hand man, who better to control everything. Do not cross Rohm or you too will receive a lovely dead fish in the mail. What was that an invitation to dinner and let's have fish OR you gonna sleep with da fishes....hmmmmmmmm.

Anita Dunn....oh boy. Mao....oh boy. Anita Dunn is the White House's Communication Director. So she knows exactly what she is's her job. She just LOVES and refers to often Mao's politics? Is she kidding? What happened here? Did I just leave the United States and wake up in Communist China? Ya know, she said that at a high school graduation this past June. When called on the carpet on that little statement she said, it was a joke that fell flat. Oh my....let me tell you something...that's no joke. A joke goes, “hey did ya hear about the penguin, the horse and the rabbit that went into the bar”? OR when one of my kids says, “I'll be home sometime before morning”. RIGHT!! I DON'T THINK SO!

Folks, it's looking like we have may a dictatorship brewing in OUR White House. I am deeply concerned. This is NOT supposed to happen in the GREAT DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! If your not a little scared, then my friend you my be a little blind....

The reason Obama is going after the Fox News is because Fox News covers real stories and then breaks them. They also reach more Americans then any other news outlet. People in America DO watch Fox News because they give you the news without the political spin...that right, they do.

Oh and guess what...just hot off the press! Journalists have just been told that they will no longer have access to the detention center at Gitmo. This is because of the incident where the Chinese Muslims held up signs suggesting that our president was not democratic but communist because he hadn't closed Gitmo yet. MORE CONTROL. Not a good sign for America.

This is not Chicago politics, this is MY country and YOUR country and it's up to US to put an end to this. The Obama White House is underestimating the people of America. We are a deliberate group, a determined group, an in-your-face group, and we don't mind another revolution, do we?

Independence forever.
John Adams' last public words as a toast for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Last February, during Black History Month, the children of B. Bernice Young School in Burlington, New Jersey sang a song in honor of Barack Hussein Obama.  They did this to honor him for being our first black president. 

Last week there was a protest at the school with about 70 individuals condemning the song.  There was also a meeting one evening with the school superintendent in which he did not apologize for the activity but defended it.  The room was packed with parents.  It is reported that many of the parents supported the school's decision but there were many parents who did not.  The only thing Christopher Manno, the superintendent, apologized for was having the children broadcast across the internet via YouTube without parental consent or knowledge. 

I personally have a problem with what happened at the school on many levels.  One, I understand honoring someone, I can understand a Black History Month, but I don't understand why we don't have an American Indian History Month, Puerto Rican History Month, Irish History Month and so on.  This is a melting pot we call the United States.  If your gonna do it for one, you better do it for everybody.  Remember when you were in school and if you brought in a snack your teacher asked you to bring in enough for the whole class?  Well, you gotta bring in enough for us all.  I'm part American Indian and there were many brave, thoughtful, just, hero's that are essentially ignored.  The American Indian was cheated, abused, killed, raped, tortured, and one tribe was almost completely wiped out on the famous Trail of Tears also known as Nu na da ul tsun yi, the place where they cried.  Where is their month of honor?  

Did  you know that the Cherokees where known as the human tirbe?  They were a democracy and gave women an equal say in counsel.  Sounds very progressive and forward thinking, doesn't it?  And why are we not celebrating them?  They were democracy and equal rights.

Another problem is not informing parents.  The school takes on too much authority with our children.  We all know that there are very bad people out there just waiting to take advantage of our children.  Kids disappear everyday never to be seen again.  YouTube and all these other outlets that are out there now are breeding grounds for sicko's to get our kids.  AND, whoever posted this video, should be criminally charged with endangering children. 

From Chief Joseph, Nez Perces' "If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian, he can live in peace.....Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers. The Earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.......Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade....where I choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to think and talk and act for myself, and I will obey every law, or submit to the penalty."

Yesterday morning I was in my office surfing the news and having my second cup of coffee for the day.  When all of a sudden I see the top news of the day.  HOLY COW!  I shot coffee out so fast and furiously that it hit the wall across from me.  My partner gave me a 10 for distance and accuracy. 

Have I died and gotten caught in some sadistic hell where only things like this can happen?  Is this some international prank?  Who would've guessed... certainly not me!  Well our super star president has just received the Nobel Peace Prize.  He is in wonderful company....Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt.  Of course there are some questionable ones as well, most recently Al Gore and Jimmy Carter. 

Remember Jimmy Carter?  American hostages for 444 days in Iran during his presidency and who can forget the odd and even days of getting in lines from hell for gas?  But he just loves our new president and he got a Nobel for it.  Am I missing something?  Did the rules change for the Nobel Peace Prize and I was on vacation?  

When I was a kid and found out that there was no Santa Claus, I thought to myself, this is it.  Life is over.  Everything I believe to be true, isn't!  I was completely blown away. After going on a three day candy and soda binge that could revival any crack addict, I realized I must go on.  I thought never could I receive any type of news more devastating then this again and my faith was restored in humanity.  Little did I know soooooo many years later I would be thrown into a dismal black hole again!  Jimmy Carter.  That's when my cynical outlook was anchored and it has only grown over the years to where I am now.  

President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is not only confusing and bizarre but it proves what I have been saying for too many years.  Most of the people walking earth are stupid.  Has the Nobel Peace committee been eating too much fish laced with mercury?

Help us.....there is no coming back from this one.  Just to let you February his name was thrown into the barrel.  He was only in office for two weeks.  As a junior Senator he did absolutely nothing.  So, you may ask yourself, "how is this possible"?  Good question.  Is it because he is our first black president?  Is it cause he gives an eloquent speech?  Is it cause Jimmy Carter is soooo well respected and Jimmy thinks Barack is just downright awesome.  What is it?  Obama has not accomplished any of his campaign promises, in fact, he has put our country into financial ruin.  He has let the terrorists know we won't do anything so go ahead and do your worst.  He'll just talk ya into submission.....right.  He is offering illegals healthcare on the backs of hard working Americans.  Yes....."he lied".  Thanks Joe Wilson for letting us know the dirty truth.  In fact, I get the feeling that he isn't telling us too much.  What is he taking lessons from Putin?  Folks, we are being set up.  Open your eyes.....there are forces at work behind closed doors.  I realize that this has always been the case but in this particular time of history and this particular government and this particular president....something more is going on and the liberal left part of the world is doing everything they can to give him everything he needs to do their bidding.  America may be no more sooner than we think. 

As I'm sitting here thinking, why wasn't Jesus nominated or for that matter why hasn't he won!  Even if you don't believe he is the Son of God surely he was known as the Prince of Peace!  Even Josephus, a historian who was NOT a Christian, wrote about Jesus and the acts of peace and miracles that he did FOR ALL MAN, no matter race, gender, religion, creed.  No one can not say Jesus was not a man because he was documented outside of the Bible.  So, next year, let's get Jesus nominated.....he's done FAR MORE then anyone I can think of.

Quote of the day:

It is difficult for the common good to prevail against the intense concentration of those who have a special interest, especially if the decisions are made behind locked doors.

Jimmy Carter 

  President Obama has his hands in literally everything. He actually traveled to Copenhagen to campaign for good ole' Chicago to host the summer Olympics games.

We are fighting two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran is getting ready to build nukes and blow Israel and the United States off the world, our economy is in the crapper, joblessness has hit an all new high 9.8%, we got a healthcare bill dilemma to say the least and our president thought now would be a great time to rally with his wife and go to Copenhagen to get those Olympics in his home city of Chicago, the scariest place on earth besides Detriot and Camden, New Jersey.  Does anyone know what that must have cost us poor, stressed out, about to lose our jobs if we didn't already, taxpayers? Airforce one with it's private crew hauling our first lady and president to Copenhagen, Denmark? Well, it sure wasn't cheap. More of our money being spent on the WRONG THING again.
Has he lost his mind? What kind of a message does this send to “we the people”?

He is now avoiding the next problem. According to General McChrystal, if we do not increase our troops by 40,000 immediately there is a good chance we will lose the war in Afghanistan to the Taliban.

I know the far left is not willing to send another solider but does anyone remember Iraq? We almost lost that one because of a situation just like this one. We can not afford to lose this war. It is a matter of our way of life, liberty, and freedom.

John McCain released a statement that we need to increase our troop levels and he also referenced Iraq.

People, where is the common sense? Why is President Obama tackling the wrong items? Why is he not giving McChystal the troops. I do not like war anymore than anyone else. My own nephew is in Afghanistan right now and he needs to be there. This isn't a matter of let them live as they wish and we will too. This is a matter of survival for all.

Iran has officially been getting their nuclear program to the point where they are able to build them if they want to and boy, do they want to. Don't you think for half a second that they are NOT going to build it, blow Israel from the earth and then come for us and Great Britain. For them, this is about Armageddon. This is about Mohammad and Allah. This is about wiping the infidels from the earth. For them it is clean up time. They are not interested in building relationships or celebrating our differences or creating a global community. For them it's about converting and maintaining for Islam. If you do not convert, you die. If you do not conform, you die. If you do not do exactly as they say you should, you simply die. This for them is jihad.

Unfortunately, President Obama doesn't get it. He thinks pretty speeches will keep us quiet and trusting of anything he says, he's wrong. The more people I talk to the more I realize he's the one in the bubble, not us.

This country has made the biggest mistake since Jimmy Carter.....Barack Hussein Obama.


Well, well, doesn't it, being called on the carpet.  What a reversal of what you are used to, huh....  Schools in New Jersey do exactly as they wish and sometimes they forget to tell the little youngsters parents.  This is just another example of pure stupidity and they got called on it.

A Burllington County school taught little elementary school children to the rhythm of a religious hymn about Jesus a song about Obama.  They say they did it for Black History Month back in February and to honor our new president.  This may be true but isn't it funny what little rhythm they decided to use. 

Teachers are liberal because Democrats are big on education and that's great but it is also pulling politics into the classroom, a very big no no.  You can't talk about Jesus or God, we can't say Merry Christmas, we can't talk about the real reason we have Easter, we can't stand up for marriage between a man and a woman, we can't, we can't, we can't....

So, why then are these teachers indoctrinating our children?  I didn't see them stand up and demand a Christmas Tree at CHRISTMAS, I didn't hear them sing "O Holy Night"...why then are they recanting political views of our leader? 

One more incident that is fairly recent...Lenape Regional School District encompasses Cherokee, Shawnee, Seneca and Lenape High School's.  A couple of years ago there was a vote in this dictrict on whether or not they should approve funds for an artificial turf field.  The voters spoke and they declined to give money to the district for the turf.  Well, it wasn't soon after that that a BIG announcement was made...a group of men got together and decided they were going to raise money to get the school district the money to put in artificial turf EVEN THOUGH the voters didn't want it.  They just automatically assumed that it was the money that turned the voters against the idea.  They were wrong.  I spoke to some of those parents and most of them were concerned over their children getting injured on the turf.  And they had every right to be worried.  Ask any professional team...the injuries are far worst.  In fact, many of those professional teams are switching over to natural grass fields.  There is also the problem of being sanitary.  These artificial turfs can habor all kinds of bacteria and viruses.  A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that athletes who sustain a skin burn from artificial turf were “seven times more likely to develop MRSA infection”.   Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 2000 found that “MRSA survives better on artificial turf than on other surfaces”.  There is also the "Heat Island Effect"  turf fields are notorious for rises tempatures.  Turf fields can reach 140 to 160 or so degrees, real grass DOES NOT.

One of the guys that thought raising money to get the turf fields was a great idea, was actually a salesguy for artificial turf, lucky wasn't it?

Guess what, Shawness got the artificial turf field and Cherokee is getting one this fall.

This is the kinda, "let me step on your face if you don't do what I want" attitude that has gotten this state it's reputation. 

Quote of the day:

"There must be no majority decisions, but only responsible persons, and the word 'council' must be restored to its original meaning. Surely every man will have advisers by his side, but the decision will be made by one man."
- Adolf Hitler
I watched Qaddafi and Obama give their speeches today at the U.N.  Obama was as elegant as always, he most definitely is a gifted speaker.  Qaddafi..........well not so much.  Qaddafi rambled and rambled, got angry and then quiet, shifted papers here and there, lost his place then found it again AND he did this for 96 minutes!  But the BEST part was when he called Obama "his son".  His Kenyan son.....Libya's son.  Qaddafi even said he wants Obama to be president for the rest of his life.  Of Course he does, Obama is slowly tearing apart our country from the inside out.  Obama is apologizing for us being who we are to the entire world, even though we give more money and help than any other country in the world to basically EVERYBODY.  We would be soooo much better off.  In fact, Obama's approval ratings are threw the roof overseas.  But here at home are slowly slipping down.  In Isreal...4%.  Can't imagine why. 

One thing Qaddafi said that I 100% agree with is that the U.N. be moved to the eastern hemisphere.  He thanked the United States for hosting, security, accomodations, etc for the last 50 years.  Well, you got that one Crazy "Q".  Works for me!!  Let's save a few taxpayers greenbacks with that decision!  While your at it could ya ask your ambassador to Please Pay his property taxes in Englewood New Jersey....we kinda financially broke here too. 

Obama, Obama, Obama.....great delivery of speech....but was not based in reality AND your kicking the Israeli's out of their land?  What the hell is wrong with YOU?  That is their land!!  OF ALL the people we should be backing 1000% IT IS ISRAEL!  THe Left must absolutely love well as the dictators, oh yeah the terrorists and let's not forget Russia. 

Back to Qaddafi being Obama's daddy.....well that explains quite a bit, doesn't it?  Something interesting on Fox News they actually had a little sidebar pop up at one point and give CIA imprints of being "he has a borderline personality disorder".  What a nice why of saying he's a "freakin' nutter"!  And if ya get a chance and have 96 minutes to kill, I suggest you give it a shot.....freakin nutter! 

Obama really admires Lincoln, well I'm sure Lincoln is rolling in his grave.